More Ideas for Gummy Words!
Here's a photo collage built around a note card size Gummy Word name! Gummy Words look great framed by themselves, but can also be a...

Art Fair Season Winding Down
Thanks to all the visitors this summer to our booth at fairs in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky! We look forward to seeing you next...

A Sweet Gummy Word Review!
Thank you to Jessica (and her son Xavier) for the nice review on the site "Reviews, Chews and How-To's"! We're glad you liked it!...
Another art fair season has ended with the St. James Court Art Show in Louisville the weekend of October 3-5. Thanks to everyone who...

Another satisfied customer!
Here is our new friend Keegan showing off her gift from Grandma, along with her favorite snack! Sorry, the bag of Gummy Worms is not...

Gummy Words is online!
We are very excited to make Gummy Words available to the whole world! The names have proven very popular at the art fairs we have done...

Creative uses for Gummy Words!
While we like to suggest uses for Gummy Worm names, we are always surprisd by the creative ideas you come up with! This is from a...